UA-74504292-1 The balm for aches and pains

Veridian Balm

Made by Athletes Advantage Pty Ltd.

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Veridian Balm came about from a need to have a product that was pleasant to use. That would assist in relieving pain in joints (especially the back). Assist the body and accelerate repair of sprains, tendonitis, sore muscles and skeletal injuries.


Ingredients : Sweet Almond Oil, Comfrey root and leaf, Arnica and essential oils that assist the nerves in switching off and boost repair or healing of acute and chronic injuries.


Medicinal Qualities of Ingredients:


by Daniel Hoover

Comfrey’s official name is Symphytom officinalis. Some of its common names are: Comfrey, knitbone, healing herb, bruisewort, consound, blackwort, wallwort, gum plant, black root, slippery root, nipbone, knitback, yalluc.
The therapeutic actions of comfrey are: Demulcent (soothing; relieves inflammation), cell proliferant (promotes granulation and formation of epithelial cells responsible for mending and healing the body), pectoral (remedy for chest infections), astringent (causes contraction and arrests discharges), nutritive, tonic, expectorant (facilitates coughing), alterative (purifies the blood), vulnerary (medieval term for a plant used to heal battle wounds),  mucilage (polysaccharides that have a slippery, mild taste and swell in water), and styptic (arrests bleeding).
These therapeutic properties are the reasons why comfrey has been used both traditionally and presently for a broad spectrum of ailments. It has long been used for coughs because of its expectorant and mucilage properties. Comfrey is also used for ulcerated and inflamed lung conditions, bronchitis, hemorrhage, asthma (excessive expectoration), tuberculosis, pleurisy, pneumonia, inflamed stomach or bowels, ulcerated kidneys, soothes gravel in bloody urine, diarrhea, dysentery, bruises, sprains, swellings, fractures cancers, torn ligaments, ruptures, broken bones, cuts, gout, gangrene, heart problems, ulcerous wounds, hemoptysis, catarrh, scrofula, anemia, leukorrhea, female debility, boils, gum boils, sinusitis, burns, and insect bites. Throughout the centuries, many herbalists have written about this great herb’s many medicinal qualities.
Dr. Shook commented on the efficacy of comfrey: "It does not seem to matter much which part of the body is broken, either internally or externally; comfrey will heal it quickly. It is a great cell proliferant, or new cell grower, it grows new flesh and bone alike, stops hemorrhage, and is wonderful for coughs, soothing and healing the inflamed tissues in a most remarkable manner." (School of Natural Healing by Dr. John R. Christopher 337)
Dr John R. Christopher had a very special place in his heart for comfrey. He writes in The School of Natural Healing:
Comfrey is one of the finest healers for the respiratory system, especially where there is hemorrhage of the lungs; it has saved thousands of lives. The root has been used reputably as both a tonic and a vulnerary from very ancient times up to the present. The root and leaves are most beneficial as a poultice in healing any obstinate or ulcerous wound. Comfrey forms an ingredient in a large number of herbal preparations, and it may be given wherever a mucilaginous or demulcent medicine is required. (School of Natural Healing by Dr. John R. Christopher 337)
Culpepper observed that comfrey was capable of many things and made this comment about his experience with comfrey: “The roots taken fresh, beaten small and spread upon leather and laid upon any place troubled with the gout presently gives ease: and applied in the same manner it eases pained joints and tends to heal running ulcers, gangrenes, mortifications, for which it hath by often experience been found helpful.” (A Modern Herbal by Mrs. M. Grieve 218)

Arnica (Arnica chamissonis, Arnica cordifolia, Arnica fulgens, Arnica latifolia, Arnica montana, Arnica sororia)
a topical agent - treats Ileus, Coagulation, Osteoarthritis, Diabetic retinopathy, Stroke, Diarrhea ... more
Generic Name: arnica topical
Arnica montana is commonly used in herbal ointments and oils applied on the skin as an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent for aches, bruises, and sprains on unbroken skin. Highly diluted homeopathic preparations are considered safe and are widely used for the treatment of injuries. However, full doses of arnica may be toxic when taken by mouth. Arnica may also be damaging to the heart, resulting in high blood pressure.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared arnica an unsafe herb due to adverse effects reported when taken by mouth. In contrast, the German market offers over 100 preparations of arnica to its consumers. In Canada, arnica is not allowed for use as a non-medicinal ingredient for oral (by mouth) use products.
DISCLAIMER: These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider.
Bruising: Homeopathic and topical (on the skin) arnica is widely used to prevent or treat hemorrhages (heavy bleeding), hematomas (blood clots), and bruising. More study is needed in this area to draw a firm conclusion. Coagulation (blood clotting): Homeopathic arnica does not seem to affect bleeding time or platelet count. More studies are needed in this area. Diabetic retinopathy: Homeopathic arnica has been used for improving retinal microcirculation, thereby slowing the progression of damage to the retina of the eye in diabetics. Although early study is promising, additional study is needed before a firm conclusion can be reached. Ileus (postoperative): Postoperative ileus is characterized by a temporary impairment of gastrointestinal motility. Symptoms may include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, reduced desire to eat, and an inability to pass gas or stool. There is early evidence that homeopathic arnica treatment may reduce the duration of ileus after abdominal or gynecologic surgery. Well-designed research is needed to make a strong recommendation. Osteoarthritis: Arnica gel has been used on the skin for osteoarthritis pain and stiffness, due to its anti-inflammatory constituents. Although early study is promising, additional study is needed. Pain (post-operative): Some patients use homeopathic arnica to relieve pain after an operation. However, arnica is often used with other pain-relieving agents. It is unclear how effective arnica is alone for the treatment of pain. Stroke: Homeopathic arnica has been used in stroke recovery. More research is needed before a firm recommendation can be made. Trauma: Many patients use arnica to relieve pain postoperatively. Further study is needed to define the effectiveness of arnica in postoperative pain. Muscle soreness: Homeopaths believe that arnica may be effective in relieving pain due to delayed onset muscle soreness, which is defined by exercise to which subjects are unaccustomed. Currently, it is not recommended to give arnica for this indication, although it does not appear to be unsafe for use.
Contra-Indications of Arnica is toxic if taken internally
Avoid in individuals with a known allergy or hypersensitivity to arnica or any member of the Asteraceae or Compositae families. Possible cross-sensitivity can occur in those allergic to the Asteraceae or Compositae family (Achillea millefolium, Ambrosia species, Anthemis cotula asters, calendula, chamomile, chrysanthemum, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, dog fennel chicory, Matricaria chamomilla, mugwort, marigold, May weed, sunflower, tansy, and yarrow).
Side Effects and Warnings
Arnica is likely safe when used short-term in oral or sublingual (under tongue) homeopathic doses. It is possibly safe when applied topically/externally to unbroken skin for short-term use. Arnica is likely unsafe when taken by mouth in doses higher than homeopathic dilutions. It may also be unsafe when used topically (on the skin) long-term. Using full strength tinctures on hypersensitive or broken skin is also not recommended.
Ingestion of arnica extracts has been known to increase heartbeat and increase bleeding time.
Allergic reactions may occur when taking arnica in full strength preparations or when handling the plant. Reactions including Sweet's syndrome, facial eczema, oral lesions (mouth wounds), itchy erythema (reddening of the skin) of the legs, trunk (torso), and face, and dermatitis.
Arnica montana-containing extracts by mouth has caused severe gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach), including gastrointestinal problems due to mucosal irritation nervousness, nausea, and vomiting.
Arnica may also cause muscle weakness, collapse, and death. High doses may impair urine flow and damage the kidneys and liver. There is also the potential for organ damage, coma, and death with the internal use of arnica.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Internal use of arnica is not recommended in pregnant women due to the potential for uterine stimulation and toxicity. Avoid if breastfeeding.
Interactions with Drugs
Arnica may interact with anesthetic (pain-reducing) drugs, corticosteroids, or anti-inflammatories; reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure-lowering drugs; and/or enhance bleeding if taken with other anticoagulants (blood thinners). Caution is advised.
Arnica applied to the skin may increase hydroxyethyl salicylate's
analgesic (pain-relieving) effect.
Certain constituents found in arnica may lower serum lipids. Caution is advised in those patients taking cholesterol-lowering medications.
Interactions with Herbs and Dietary Supplements
Arnica may interact with herb or supplements with anesthetic (pain-reducing), steroid, or anti-inflammatory effects.
Arnica may increase the risk of bleeding when taken with drugs that increase the risk of bleeding. Multiple cases of bleeding have been reported with the use of
Ginkgo biloba, and fewer cases with garlic and saw palmetto.
Arnica use may reduce the effectiveness of blood pressure-lowering herbs and supplements.
Arnica used with daisy (
Bellis perennis) may reduce postpartum blood loss. A qualified healthcare practitioner, including a pharmacist, should be consulted before combining herbs and supplements.
This information is based on a professional level monograph edited and peer-reviewed by contributors to the Natural Standard Research Collaboration ( Ethan Basch, MD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center); Nicole Giese, MS (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Nicole Giese, MS (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Mary Giles, PharmD (University of Rhode Island); Michael Goble, BS, PharmD (Massachusetts College of Pharmacy); Nicole M. Maisch, PharmD (St. John's University College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions); Erica Seamon, PharmD (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); David Sollars, MAc, HMC (New England School of Acupuncture); Shaina Tanguay-Colucci, BS (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Verda Tunaligil, MD, MPH (Harvard School of Public Health); Catherine Ulbricht, PharmD (Massachusetts General Hospital); Mamta Vora, PharmD (Natural Standard Research Collaboration); Wendy Weissner, BA (Natural Standard Research Collaboration).
Almond oil
Sweet almond oil, made from pressed almonds, is an odorless, pale-yellow liquid with a nutty taste. It's similar to olive oil in composition and can be used as a substitute. It's not, however, to be confused with bitter almond oil, which has a pungent flavor and is typically used as a flavoring agent. Sweet almond oil's culinary properties have been employed for centuries, as have its medicinal and therapeutic advantages. Whether you enjoy it on a crisp salad or use it as a skin-soothing agent, experience the benefits of sweet almond oil.
Promotes Heart Health
Sweet almond oil contains high concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs. These unsaturated fats are linked to cardiovascular disease prevention. An article published in "The Journal of Nutrition" in April 2002 noted that studies done on MUFAs show that both whole almonds and almond oil effectively reduce harmful low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL, and increase protective high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL, which may reduce cardiovascular risk.
Protects Skin Health
Sweet almond oil, when topically applied, may help protect your skin from the sun's damaging rays. The effect of these rays -- known as ultraviolet, or UV, radiation -- is linked to increased skin aging and various types of skin cancer. A study on the effects of almond oil on skin's exposure to UV radiation, published in the "Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology" in March 2007, concluded that topical almond oil can slow the aging process and prevent structural damage caused by UV rays.
Essential Oils
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